Sunday, February 05, 2006

Danish consulate in Beirut ablaze

just a few weeks ago, a large comosion broke out after the publication of cartoons of Prophet Mohammad drew condemnation from European capitals and moderate Muslims. danish and norwegian embassies were set ablazed and riots on the streets were frequent . i believe that these danish cartoonists either have balls of steel or are dumb as blocks of wood , who in the right mind would do such a stupid thing , even though i am not a muslim , i feel really hurt when other peoples religions are being made fun of or despised. so it is only right that the people react in such a way , although the cartoons were publicated in Europe , it sent shock waves to he muslim communities all over the world, even the muslim community in singapore expressed its views on the cartoons . in the 21st century , we must not act rashly or stupidly , we have to think before we act , to prevent such things from happening, a thus i wish that these sort of thing will not happen in the future ever again (which i doubt will happen)


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